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Hearing Aids for Tinnitus
Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids & Tinnitus Treatment
Can Hearing Aids Help Provide Tinnitus Relief?

Over 90% of tinnitus suffer from hearing loss. Even a slight, unnoticed deterioration in hearing can trigger tinnitus. Evidence shows that 96% of tinnitus sufferers experience fast & effective tinnitus relief with hearing aids. Book a free consultation today. Includes Free Demonstration. All systems have a 60 day trial

How do hearing aids provide significant tinnitus relief?

"Hearing aids can augment the volume of external noise to the point that it covers (masks) the sound of tinnitus. This makes it more difficult to consciously perceive tinnitus and helps the brain focus on outside, ambient noises" (American Tinnitus Association).

What is the Evidence That Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus?

The Evidence is Considerable:
  • The paper 'Hearing Aids & Hearing Therapy: A 25 Year Experience ' by Trotter/Donaldson studied 1440 tinnitus patients. 96% found significant improvement with their tinnitus after hearing aid use.

  • 'Hearing More to Hear Less: A Scoping Review of Hearing Aids For Tinnitus' (L.Jaquemin et al, 2021) - This study pulled together 28 previous studies and  found that only 14 % of tinnitus patients did not find any benefit from hearing aids. 

  • 'Hearing AId Effectiveness on Patients with Chronic Tinnitus' by P. Simonetti, 2021 concluded the following: 'our study has provided evidence that Hearing Aid use is a valuable treatment strategy for chronic tinnitus relief....'

hearing aid for tinnitus cost

What is the First Step to Tinnitus Relief?

hearing aids for ringing in ears
Hearing Aid Use is Generally Considered the First Step in Tinnitus Treatment

Due to the high level of success and speed in which hearing aids can provide tinnitus relief, most GPs, ENT consultants and audiologists will recommend hearing aid use at the outset. 'Talking Therapies like Tinnitus Counselling and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) may also prove somewhat beneficial but most patients do not need more than hearing aids to provide them with sufficient relief. 'Talking Therapies' have considerably less success and they take time, whereas hearing aid use can provide quick substantial relief.  Therefore, it is best to consider hearing aids first, and then add 'talking therapies later if further relief is required. 

For the vast majority of tinnitus patients, medical intervention would not help e.g. drugs, surgery etc.

Our tinnitus service is based with the London Neuro-Otology Centre. Should medical intervention or 'talking therapies' be recommended beyond just hearing aid use, then we can refer you to the relevant professionals within the centre.

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Independent Advice on all Tinnitus Hearing Aids

We represent all the premium brands for Tinnitus Treatment:

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Head Office - London Neuro-otology Centre, 32 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JL

Independent Advice on Hearing Aids for Tinnitus

Tinnitus and hearing aids
Evidence-Based Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Relief

We provide independent advice on all the leading brands of hearing aids, sound generators, tinnitus devices and combination devices.

All system are subject to 60 day trial for your piece of mind. 

The latest models include Oticon Intent, Phonak Infinio, Widex Moment, Resound Nexia, Signia Pure Charge & Go, Starkey Genesis AI, Unitron, Bernafon Alpha and more.

Rated as EXCELLENT on Trustpilot

London's Leading Tinnitus Clinic (19).png
A Centre Of Excellence for Tinnitus Treatment

Based at the London Neuro-otology Centre in the Harley Street District, we provide Evidence-Based Tinnitus Solutions. We provide Hearing Tests, Tinnitus Hearing aids, Combination devices, Tinnitus retraining therapy, Tinnitus Counselling, assistive devices and other innovative, evidence-based tinnitus solutions. 

best hearing aids for tinnitus
Why Pay More For Private Hearing Aids?
The UK's Lowest Hearing Aid Prices from only £400

Considering the best hearing aids for tinnitus relief ? Your choice should certainly include consideration of these 5 models:



  • Oticon More 

  • Resound Omnia

  • Widex Moment Sheer

  • Phonak Lumity

  • Starkey Evolv



Invisible Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Relief
Discreet Tinnitus Devices
Invisible Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Relief

If you require a discreet solution then specialist, invisible hearing aids, developed for tinnitus therapy are now available. They are removable and sit comfortably within the ear canal, hidden from sight, so nobody will know you are wearing one. Ask us for a free demo / trial today. 

hearing aids for tinnitus
Masking your tinnitus with Sound Therapy
Can Sound Generators Help My Tinnitus?

Specialist Sound Generators are wearable devices (some invisible) that are programmed to mask out a patient's tinnitus.  Programs consisting of bespoke tones or (nature) sounds are set by your tinnitus consultant to provide welcome tinnitus relief whenever required. Ask for a free demo/trial today. 

Best Hearing Aid System for Tinnitus
Independent Advice on Combination Devices
What is the Best Hearing Aid System for Tinnitus?

'Combination Devices' usually provide the optimal solution for tinnitus relief. These are specialist devices, designed specifically for tinnitus sufferers. They provide the best of both worlds - premium hearing aid technology & bespoke sound generator systems. Ask us for a free demo / trial. Prices from £500.

Hearing Aid Clinic In London

We offer tinnitus therapy at  the Neuro-Otology Centre in the Harley St enclave - 32 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JL. The Neuro-Otology Centre is considered to be a Centre of Excellence in Audiological Medicine, Neuro-otology & Tinnitus Management.


Since the 1990s, pioneering tinnitus management programs have been offered at 32 Devonshire Place, with thousands of satisfied patients benefiting from it's innovative and highly effective tinnitus therapies based around hearing aid use. It was the first centre of it's kind for managing distressing tinnitus and was always seen as the UKs foremost centre for tinnitus treatment and research.


Initially Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) was the main program followed and it proved to be very successful, attracting the referrals of hundreds of GPs and specialists around the country. The principles behind TRT are as relevant today as ever. However, the science behind Tinnitus relief has also moved on enormously, especially in the last few years with the development of hearing aid devices with specialist tinnitus treatment functions.


At Audiological Science we continue to be at the forefront of tinnitus treatment, implementing and evolving tinnitus solutions based on scientific research only. We have successfully treated thousands of patients with tinnitus. Importantly, we provide independent advice on all the reputable tinnitus hearing aids on the market, ensuring you receive only the best system for your needs together with the support required to receive optimal benefits from new technology.

Rated as 'EXCELLENT' on Doctify

London's Leading Tinnitus Treatment Clinic
Evidence-based Tinnitus Therapy Programs, proven to work.
London's Leading Tinnitus Treatment Clinic

London Neuro-Otology Centre, 

32 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JL

Contact Us

Audiological Science

32 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JL

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